Youth Exchange 2023: My Unforgettable Journey in Morocco – Copy – Copy – Copy

Youth Exchange 2023: My Unforgettable Journey in Morocco – Copy – Copy – Copy

WhatsApp Image 2023-10-29 at 4.23.02 PM

"I can't quite believe that today, I'll embark on an unforgettable journey where I'll get to meet new people, experience their cultures, and be a part of the Erasmus+ Youth Exchange in Morocco!

Tuesday, September 26th


I had been eagerly anticipating this day for days, and now it was finally here! I can’t quite believe that today, I’ll embark on an unforgettable journey where I’ll get to meet new people, experience their cultures, and be a part of the Erasmus+ Youth Exchange in Morocco! 🙂



The day began for me and the other German participants at 5:30 in the morning as we boarded the bus. The journey to Marrakesh and then to Agdz was long, tiring, but also spectacular! I must admit that I was both very tired and filled with excitement, looking forward to meeting new people, experiencing different cultures, and exploring new places.

But let’s get back to the actual journey:


I mainly used the two hours on the bus to catch up on some sleep. Our numerous bags and the large heavy crates filled with dishes, clothing, etc., for the Moroccans were safely transported to Berlin by the bus and Roland, Iris’ husband. Upon arriving in Berlin, we encountered a few complications at first – locating Roland with the crates in the large airport was quite an adventure, but eventually, all the luggage was checked in at the baggage drop, and the crates were handed over as oversized luggage. Then came the security check, which had its own set of stories! First, it took a long time, and we all had a bit of anxiety about missing our flight. Second, our group suddenly split up because the majority of our group had pushed ahead… Thankfully, with the flight being 45 minutes delayed, we managed to catch the flight on time and found ourselves all seated, albeit a bit worn out, on the plane to Istanbul. After a three-hour flight, we had a layover in Turkey, where we also met the Czech participants. Our WhatsApp group, set up for trip preparations, helped us recognize each other. The first encounter was somewhat reserved, but I’m sure that the next few weeks will help us get to know each other better, engage in conversations, and form friendships.


After a good five-hour flight from Istanbul to Marrakesh, with a beautiful sunset and a little more sleep, we finally landed in Morocco. Hooray! Upon arrival, we faced further (almost midnight) challenges. Since we didn’t know the address of our first accommodation, the security officers initially didn’t want to allow us to enter. A small handwritten note with the address eventually convinced the security officers to let us through. But before Iris could welcome us, we had to overcome another hurdle. Our many large and heavy crates attracted a lot of attention at the airport, leading to lengthy discussions with other security officers. In the end, one of the security officers was as tired as we were, and we agreed that everything was for earthquake victims.

Report by Katharina Kahrs:


Together with the Czechs, we made our way to our first accommodation in Marrakesh. Thanks to the bus ride, we got a few nighttime impressions of the city. We all walked through dark alleys and streets to the hostel together. Despite the exhaustion and the shortage of beds, everyone eventually found a place to sleep at the end of the long day and could unwind.

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